There are two things that everyone thinks about when they think Game of Thrones: sex and death. So we decided to focus on the fun stuff.
Launching in March 2014, we partnered with artist Robert Ball to create the art of assassination and masterpieces of murder, one episode and one iconic death at time.
When we first launched, Game of Thrones fans were asked to help 'fill in the blanks' of all the other many untimely endings from the first three seasons with their own fan art.
The campaign was such a huge success, that we worked with Robert to go back through the first three seasons, ultimately going all the way to the series finale.
Want to download some of this amazing work and quench your bloodlust? Just Google Beautiful Death, it's literally everywhere.

Clio Entertainment, Bronze . Shorty For Best Tumblr
Clio Entertainment, Shortlist (Public Relations)